• corytheboyd
    181 year ago

    Hell yeah, let’s go Colorado. Another one for the list: I moved to the mountains southwest of Denver and got symmetric gigabit internet thanks to the municipal broadband changes. The incumbents here charge at least $100/month for like 20mbps down (they don’t advertise up speed). Go fuck yourself HughesNet and co. (and Comcast of course)

    • Aaron-Davis363
      21 year ago

      @corytheboyd I don’t live in Colorado, but I also got HughesNet and while it started out ok, that was just to lure me in. By the end of it, I had to beg them every month to give me faster speeds because it would slow to a crawl. Never again am I getting satelite. I’ll only ever rent if I am able to have municipally owned gigabit ethernet that has little to no chance of being throttled. Anything slower and I can’t do my work.
