In July, Buma sent the Senate Judiciary Committee a 22-page statement full of eye-popping allegations, and the document leaked and was first reported last month by Insider (after a conservative blogger had posted it online). According to Buma’s account, Giuliani was used as an asset by a Ukrainian oligarch tied to Russian intelligence and other Russian operatives for a disinformation operation that aimed to discredit Joe Biden and boost Trump in the 2020 presidential race. Moreover, Buma says he was the target of retaliation within the bureau for digging into this.

Buma’s statement highlights Giuliani’s relationship with Pavel Fuks, a wealthy Ukrainian developer, who in 2017 hired Giuliani and paid him $300,000. Fuks once told the New York Times that he had retained Giuliani to lobby in the United States for the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, where Fuks then lived. Giuliani has denied that he was paid to lobby for Kharkiv, insisting he only provided advice regarding security to the city. And Fuks has changed his tune. Through a spokesperson, he told Mother Jones that Giuliani’s work was limited to advising the city.

In his statement, Buma says that the FBI assessed Fuks to be a “co-opted asset” of Russian intelligence services, meaning a person who Russian intelligence used to advance its goals. Buma’s complaint does not name a specific Russian intelligence agency, but a person who spoke to agents involved in this investigation says that the FBI believes Fuks worked for the FSB, the successor to KGB. All this raises the possibility that Giuliani, a former Republican presidential candidate who became a close adviser to Trump, received a large payment directly from a Russian asset.

Buma alleges that Fuks has carried out various tasks for Russian spies, including laundering money for them. Fuks also reportedly paid locals to spray-paint swastikas around Kharkiv in the weeks before Russia’s invasion. Buma says Fuks did so to bolster Vladmir Putin’s claim that the invasion aimed to achieve the “de-Nazification of Ukraine.”

  • theodewere
    5910 months ago

    before Rudi was mayor, he was helping clean up the Italian mafia in NYC… the Russian mafia filled a bunch of the vacuum left behind, and Rudi and the Russians have been friends ever since for some reason…

      2010 months ago

      It had been reported that the Russian mafia were feeding information to Giuliani on the Italian mob. It was how Guiliani was able to make his cases, build his reputation to become “America’s mayor”, AND also compromised him to become a Russian asset. The story was reported a long while ago, and I don’t remember which journalist(s) broke the story or who they wrote for, nor their reliability, anymore, but recall them as very highly rated as accurate in their facts.

        910 months ago

        Appreciate that but gonna need some facts to support that one. If nobody is reporting it (other than you) then it is hard to believe, as much as I would like to.

        • theodewere
          410 months ago

          it is hard to believe

          it’s anything but… in fact it’s really easy to believe about that slimeball piece of shit… when you think about it…

            810 months ago

            We still gotta see receipts. If it was reported on it will be on the internet. Rudy is a shit bag but we don’t gotta make up stuff if there’s no proof there’s plenty there already for us to go on

            • theodewere
              10 months ago

              but we don’t gotta make up stuff

              you’re making an assumption there, and you know they say about assumptions

              or i don’t know, maybe they don’t say anything bad about assumptions where you’re from

                  210 months ago

                  You’re right my man, we need to see what they’re talking about. Never believe what some random dude just comments online with no reputable source material other than “I read it somewhere, trust me man”.

                • theodewere
                  110 months ago

                  yeah, you’re assuming it’s made up because YOU don’t have what you call proof, whatever that is… i’m still trying to figure out what receipts you’re imagining… you think they went to Niagara Falls together or something? go get us the proof you need, detective, if you need some more proof… get on those receipts…

                    110 months ago

                    Man idk what or who you’re arguing against I just wanted to see an article or anything talking about this lol

          110 months ago

          I tried to find my reading, but the post was too long ago for my searches to pull it up. Some supporting facts did turn up. 1 The Russian mob was warring with the Italian mob over turf at the time. 2 No Russians were indicted in NY at the time, though, by my search of records. 3 The KGB were looking for assets, and Giuliani would be a plum target. 4 The KGB’s MO is to find kompromat and keeps its victims ensnared, once they get compromising info. (Spy craft that all sides exploit.) 5 Giuliani needed money, even then, for his lawyer(s) and his first divorce settlement. These do not prove anything, but I find nothing that doesn’t raise more suspicions, either.

      • theodewere
        710 months ago

        you know what they used to say in those days? they said “follow da money”… lol