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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/garuda_1945 on 2023-09-02 02:09:02.
I (21 M) am an Ex-Muslim from West Sumatra, Indonesia. Before I quit from that religion, I hear various superstitions such as:
- My eyes will be stabbed in hell if I see a naked woman in a lustful way.
- If I have premarital sex with any woman, I went straight to hell and tormented forever.
Even after I decided to become an atheist (since last week), that mixed feelings of worry and fear remains. Suddenly I feel guilty and ashamed right after masturbating for the first time. My brain was filled with irrational thoughts about hell as well.
What should I do to get rid of that horrendous feelings? How do I convince myself to not feel afraid of this self-pleasuring activity? I really want to enjoy the real pleasure of orgasm without having to be afraid anymore.
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