If so, was it polled somewhere?

  • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
    31 year ago

    Well magic is not real, so that’s not an option.

    You’re running out of options. Do you think America should go to war against Russia directly? What action do you support?

    • archomrade [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Woah woah, I’M running out of options?! How did you turn that back on me? You are the one who made an impossible diplomatic suggestion.

      I think the US should be steering Ukraine toward diplomacy, including by limiting lethal aid. It’s irresponsible for us to continue supplying them with armaments indefinitely. That will necessarily mean making concessions to Russia in some way.

      • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
        21 year ago

        I think the US should be steering Ukraine toward diplomacy, including by limiting lethal aid.

        This is politician speak for “let Russia bomb Ukrainian cities and kill and rape its civilians until Ukraine is beaten into submission and forced to surrender”.

        So yes, again, I call you out as a rape apologist, because you support Ukrainian civilians and minors being raped until Russia gets what it wants.

        • archomrade [he/him]
          11 year ago

          This is politician speak for "let Russia bomb Ukrainian cities and kill and rape its civilians until Ukraine is beaten into submission and forced to surrender

          This is political speak for, “I don’t like what you said but it’s not obviously bad, so I’ll put words in your mouth to make it sound psychopathic”

          Believe whatever you like I guess. I hope you have a minor career setback, learn from it, relocate, and ultimately have a very nice life.

          • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
            21 year ago

            You’ve sanitized it into a fake fantasy world. What I described is the reality of war and invasion. Yeah, war is psychopathic. Putin is psychopathic. The rape of civilians and kids is not an accident. That’s how an invading imperialist force subdues and demoralizes a local population.

            Maybe you can offer more insight as to why you refuse to acknowledge the reality of atrocities of war. Is it too much for your brain to handle? Or it acknowledging the reality of war harmful for your political agenda?

            • archomrade [he/him]
              11 year ago

              Huh? Who’s denying the reality of the war? It really seems like it’s you who has lost sight of what war really means, you should know what the cost is of extending the conflict indefinitely. Russia will not leave Ukraine without either a treaty or a defeat, and one of those options is realistic, and the other will come at the cost of possibly millions of lives. If Ukraine pushes Russia out completely and are unable to secure a treaty, they must be ready to defend the retaken ground for the foreseeable future. You’ve abandoned diplomacy because you are (rightfully) outraged over Russia’s actions, but that outrage doesn’t change the calculus of the war.

              Honestly, it’s pointless arguing with you, because you’ve detached yourself from reason and nothing but blood will satisfy you. You are no better than the war hawks in DC, sending Ukrainians to the meat grinder in order to keep the gears of war turning and the defense contractors employed.

              Everyone who cares about the loss of lives should be looking toward a diplomatic end to the war. A desperate Russia is more likely to initiate direct conflict with NATO and the west. We must end the war now, before it escalates further.

              Anyone who says otherwise is dreaming.

              • @FaeDrifter@midwest.social
                21 year ago

                If you had two choices

                1. Be put on your knees with your hands tied behind your back with a gun to your head, watch your wife and your daughter be raped in front of your eyes, screaming in pain and fear, crying out for you for help them, watch them be beaten and brutalized and finally executed while you are helpless

                2. Get some “lethal aid” from your neighborhood and defend your home in a firefight, and have a chance at defending yourself and your family even in a dangerous situation that might still leave you injured or dead

                Which one are you choosing? I’m choosing #2, in a heartbeat.

                I hate war, I hate violence, I own guns and I’ve never, ever shot them at a person. But I believe in self defense against the fascists and imperialists more than I believe in giving them what they want. And if they came from my home and family, I would be so happy to receive any assistance I could get.

                Russia did this. This is Russia’s fault. If this situation is somehow advantageous for the west (and it really isn’t), that was Putin’s doing.