• @Ascyron
    159 months ago

    Wouldn’t it be nice if fines were based on the past/present/potential revenue (not profit) from the location where the offending took place?

    Dig a trench on an archaeological site without permissin? Pay the full amount your business case said you might ever receive from the work you were making the trench for.

    Drink drive? Instantly lose the vehicle you were driving.

    Knowingly breaking the law should have extra penalties, I.e. corporate death penalties should be commonplace for those who knowingly break the law.

    • @RegalPotoo@lemmy.world
      89 months ago

      “congratulations, as the director of the company responsible you are now on the hook for the ongoing restoration and maintenance for the next 20 years”

      • @Ascyron
        49 months ago

        Exactly! If it’s not already, breaking the law should be an examption to the whole concept of a limited-liability company - so you can’t just shut down the company and move on to another.