With the 2024 presidential race beginning to unfold, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said he believes that President Joe Biden will again earn the Democratic nomination — and the president likely win reelection if he runs on a strong progressive campaign.

“I think at this moment … we have got to bring the progressive community together to say, you know what, we’re going to fight for a progressive agenda but we cannot have four more years of Donald Trump in the White House,” Sanders said Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

Sanders endorsed Mr. Biden in April. Sanders referenced several of those issues in underscoring what he believes is the importance of building “a strong progressive agenda” to win the presidency in 2024.

  • phillaholic
    11 year ago

    I can’t give a shit about any negative traits that Biden has that every Republican also has worse. It comes off as apathy spreading bullshit and that’s how we got a criminal con man who attempted a coup.

    • @danielton@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
      1 year ago

      And the best the Democrats could do is some racist geriatric with dementia who belongs in a nursing home. But don’t worry, he understands the wildfires in Maui because he burned his kitchen down once and had some ice cream.

      With Democrats, every issue that matters just gets pushed off to the next election. “Give me four more years and I’ll legalize abortion again!” And during covid, they became the fascists they pretend to hate, enforcing mandates and then partying in Republican-led states like Florida. “Rules for thee but not for me!”

      This is why I don’t take either side seriously. We know where Republicans stand, but the Democrats aren’t doing any better and it’s all somebody else’s fault.

      • phillaholic
        11 year ago

        Bullshit. You want better Democrats? Vote. Until Democrats attempt to overthrow the government I don’t want to hear your same sides brain dead take.

        • @danielton@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz
          1 year ago

          Bold assumption there. I’ve voted in almost every election since I’ve turned 18, but the brain dead ones always win anyway.

          And yes, this includes primaries.

          • phillaholic
            11 year ago

            We don’t always get what we want. Write and call your representatives and clearly articulate what you’re looking for. If that fails, run yourself. We do the best we can.

            • We need an overhaul of the election system and an end to gerrymandering, but those are never going to happen.

              In the meantime, it’s just fucking ridiculous how I can’t criticize Biden without being written off as a Nazi. The man is not the wholesome grandpa figure everybody seems to think he is. The last presidential election had two senile men with dementia who belong in a nursing home, not the white house, and all the democrats who were fascists during covid were re-elected. Roe got overturned because the democrats didn’t bother to codify it since the 1970s. Contacting congresspeople is like talking to a brick wall. I don’t fucking know what to do anymore.

              • phillaholic
                11 year ago

                You have to read the room. If you go into an ER and start complaining that all the snacks in the vending machine are expired, you’re not wrong, there are just way more pressing issues. No one is in love with Biden as a candidate and it doesn’t matter. Like you said, the election system isn’t going to change, especially not by next November.

                Idk where the fixation on “wholesome grandpa” comes from but he’s done just about all we can ask of him. He’s an 80 year old guy who has adapted as much as anyone his age has. I can’t concern myself with what he did four decades ago if he’s changed and doing better now. Especially when the other side is eager to return to how things were sixty+ years ago.

                Your comments about dementia and Covid restrictions being fascists are childish.

                I haven’t looked up whether any Democratic majority had a path to codify abortion into law since the 70s, have you? It’s easy to say they should have. It took decades to get healthcare reformed and that wasn’t near as radical or as major.

                • No one is in love with Biden as a candidate and it doesn’t matter.

                  Sure could’ve fooled me on every site that isn’t an alt-right hate speech platform. People fucking love the guy even though he has a racist history that he seems to be trying half-heartedly trying to make up for today. Even Kamala Harris admitted that his racist policies affected her. An 80 year old man should not be in the White House.

                  Your comments about dementia and Covid restrictions being fascists are childish.

                  It’s childish to expect the President to be able to read a teleprompter and to expect freedom in a country that bills itself as “the land of the free”? There was a whole litany of issues that was caused by the covid lockdowns, like domestic violence, alcoholism, stunted development in children, people being unable to say goodbye to their dying friends and family members, mental health, and supply chain disruptions. And the government declaring what is “essential” or not is classic fascism. What was really telling to me is how many democrats set restrictions in their areas and then either just didn’t follow them or went on vacation somewhere like Florida so they didn’t have to wear a mask or lock down. “Rules for thee but not for me” is classic fascism, dude.

                  And the only alternative is a cult that tried to overthrow the government in 2021. Both sides are different breeds of fascism at this point. It’s fucked up.

                  • phillaholic
                    11 year ago

                    I don’t know what to tell you. We went through the process, a majority voted for him both in the primary and general elections and now he’s President. In another year we will go out and do it again. I’m not looking for a deity or idol. I’m looking for an experienced person to not fuck it up. He meets that criteria fine, and I have more important races to care about at the state and local levels where there are still seats to be flipped.

                    What’s your point? It would have been better to do nothing about Covid? Over a Million people died with pre-vaccine restrictions. Anyway it’s looked at, given the information and resources we had at the time there was a net savings of life even factoring in loss of life as result of the economic downturn. We are now in a much better place with emergency preparation, and vaccine technology so we likely won’t be doing anything as drastic in the future.

                    I can only really remember Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi being photographed without masks, I have no problem criticizing them for not.

                    It’s absolutely ridiculous to make a same sides argument over Wearing masks and an attempted coup. The latter is the worst thing to happen to the country in our life times bar none. Everything pales in comparison.