The federal effort to expand internet access to every U.S. home has taken a major step forward with the announcement of $930 million in grants to shore up connections in dozens of places where significant connectivity gaps persist. Those places include remote parts of Alaska and rural Texas. The so-called middle mile grants are intended to trigger the laying of 12,000 miles of fiber through 35 states and Puerto Rico. The middle mile is the midsection of the infrastructure necessary to enable internet access, composed of high-capacity lines carrying lots of data quickly. The expansion is among several initiatives pushed through Congress by President Joe Biden’s administration to expand high-speed internet connectivity.

  • riskableOP
    1 year ago

    I am with you on rural America getting the short end of the Internet stick! It’s just that historically we’ve given ISPs over $400 billion dollars and they didn’t hold up their end of the bargain:

    Giving them more money isn’t going to solve the problem. We’re at that phase of the game where we need to stop letting them scam us and just do it ourselves. We already build our own roads which is vastly more complicated and requires much more money than laying fiber. If we can make interstates we can lay down fiber optic cable.

    We can charge ISPs for the privilege to use it and make different ISPs compete on the same physical network. That’s how it works in many countries and it’s a perfectly legitimate way to make ISPs incredibly angry which I think we can all agree would be an ideal outcome. If they don’t like it we can set up a time next week between 10AM and 4PM to wait for us to show up to discuss. When we don’t show up we will make them call to reschedule 👍

    • @CarrierLost
      71 year ago

      Rural broadband access is abysmal. We moved from a large suburb to a rural area in 2020, and trying to get reliable high-speed internet has been the biggest struggle of all.

      • cakeistheanswer
        41 year ago

        Fixed wireless has been a godsend if it’s around you. I’m rural but sitting one airborne hop from backbone fiber. I can vouch its the same tech as the futures trades ride downtown.

        In IL there’s a few providers that spun up in the wake of a tornado. Its not competitive with what I could get in the suburbs, but its better by far than the wireline out here.

        • @CarrierLost
          11 year ago

          Yeah I’ve got fixed wireless now. We don’t even have the option for wired here. DSL isn’t accepting new subscribers (wouldn’t want it anyway) and there’s no cable.

          I tried to get my power co-op to run fiber (or allow it to be run) on the existing poles, but I just got a generic response about cost efficiency and maintaining standards for customers. It seems like an easy solution to me, but they won’t even consider it.

          • cakeistheanswer
            21 year ago

            Had the same issue, my neighbors are grandfathered into DSL I can’t get. Local cable wire is offered 2mb, any extension for fiber was a 20k dig.

            If you’re fighting with a utility over pole space you might have some latitude with your county if you can make a case you’re isolated, without a vault close. I’ll tell you I didn’t get too far, but I’m fighting a railway and numbered highway too that made it a state issue immediately.

            • @CarrierLost
              11 year ago

              I think the poles are actually owned directly by the utility, as it’s a “cooperative” instead of a for profit corp. That means that I’m a “shareholder” but to get any policy changes like that made, I’d need to trigger a vote that the other members (customers) would also have to agree to. (Hint: they won’t, because the co-op will tell them it’s gonna raise rates or degrade service)

              I’m just going to wait it out at this point. Fixed wireless is working well enough, and progress is coming. Infrastructure will follow the people, and this place is growing quickly.

        31 year ago

        My boss lives five miles away from me but there is a clear border in between where urban ends and rural begins. I was trying to help him with something on TeamViewer and it was really lagging so I asked if he was still on DSL and he said “no I have microwave” 🤦‍♂️

      • RyanHakurei
        21 year ago

        This is not universal, though. For example I live in the sticks and am posting this from AT&T Fiber, 2.5G/2.5G

        • @CarrierLost
          21 year ago

          True. There are localized pockets, but they’re not common. I’m super jealous, though! :-)

    • SolidGrue
      41 year ago

      Community-owned broadband is a fun legal zone. Some States are moving to dismantle it, some others to protect it, all while most are mute on it.

      Is a muninipality legally entitled to set up its own broadband network? Doesn’t matter what you think, the telcos are spending their lobby dollars to prevent it where it has traction. Same for Tribal areas too.

      We can talk about “incredibly angry” here: the telco isn’t the internet I worked a lifetime to build. Demand more. #