Have you investigated direct primary care programs as a “subscription” model to the services you provide? Like what’s described here:
I’m not a physician or in medicine at all, so this is genuine curiosity on my part for an idea that was recently described to me. I’m looking for feedback from someone that lives inside the system on if they even think something like this is feasible or has potential to succeed.
Thank you for the detailed response.
I was aware that there were coverage contracts with insurance providers that could potentially get in the way of this, but I hadn’t really thought about the “I already have insurance, why buy this?” aspect, but it seems obvious in hindsight.
The sporadic usage of specialists, which I would qualify mental heath as one, also doesn’t necessarily lend itself to this model.
I think I stand with the majority of people in that all healthcare, of which mental health should be a substantial part, needs an overhaul in the U.S.
It’s the how that becomes the difficult part.