Big step for me at least. I’m not using the bike gutters, because I value my life. Nothing else, other than letting you know that some kid somewhere on earth is biking to school.

Idk, I feel great, but other kids already do this. It’s crazy. And they don’t talk about it at all, which I should as well, to avoid the cycling stereotype thing whatever. I like talking about things, and I have to avoid talking about it too much. Wish I could, though. That’s all. Have a great day.

  • LimitedWard
    510 months ago

    IDK what the culture is like at your school, but if you’re feeling motivated consider offering to organize a group ride to school to encourage others to join in. It could just start out as a one-time or once a month thing and increase from there if there’s enough interest.

    • anonymousOP
      110 months ago

      How would I do that? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that would happen.

      • LimitedWard
        210 months ago

        It would be a similar process to organizing a club, though the exact steps would differ between schools. Ideally you’d meet up at a common central location for everyone and then continue onward to school, picking up other students along the way at other checkpoints.