Trump attorney Evan Corcoran saved his recollections in a series of voice memos.

    6710 months ago

    Developmenal psychology would recognize defendant trump as a child who never evolved into adulthood. And a child with oppositional defiant disorder at that. Except o.d.d. is only diagnosed in children. Once you reach adulthood youre looking at cluster b personality disorders. Narcissism, machiavellianism, sociopathy, psychopathy. Children always have to push to the absolute last boundary to understand their limitations. Boundaries, as much as children rail against them make them feel safe. Imagine a child who has spent their entire life seeking that boundary and never finding it until theyre almost 80 years old. This is what defendant trump is.

      2410 months ago

      He was actively taught to be like this by his father. Dude’s mind was ruined early on he never had a chance to escape the brainwash.