Hey! I recently made carne asada for my partner – they haven’t had good mexican food like that before, and I spent a number of years in texas and grew up with a mother from texas so tex mex food is very near and dear to my heart, and everything came out great, except the home-made tortillas. They felt more like griddle cakes than the corn tortillas I’m used to, and I don’t think i got the ratios wrong on water to masa harina? It’s hard to say if it was actually an issue with the ratios, if it was something with the heat of the cook surface (We don’t have a griddle yet so I had to use a stainless steel pan, not sure if those get hot enough/retain enough thermal mass), if it was something with the masa harina itself, or what. Do any of you have experience making corn tortillas and have any advice? Or should I just go to the carniceria i got the carne asada from and ask if they make fresh tortillas lmao

  • usefulthings
    31 year ago

    Have you tried the tortilla recipe that’s just masa and water? Super simple and delicious!

    Don’t use any oil and cook them on a very hot, dry pan.

    • PixelOP
      21 year ago

      That’s what I did, I think I just need to smash them much more aggressively. How thin do you typically make yours?

      • Wigglet
        21 year ago

        Do you have a press? It will help get them even and flat. Mine turn out cakey with just a rolling pin

        • PixelOP
          11 year ago

          yeah I use a press, it made the process go really fast but I still don’t think I was getting them flat enough

          • @Radioaktvt
            11 year ago

            Also letting the dough rest for a bit helps. Like 20-30 minutes. The recipe on the bags of Maseca don’t mention that step but I found it does make a difference in the consistency.