Chrome now directly tracks users, generates a “topic” list it shares with advertisers.

  • QualifiedKitten
    11 year ago

    The separate browsers thing is primarily so that I can literally just close 20 tabs worth of distractions with one click, knowing all 20 tabs will be right where I left them when I want to resume. Do profiles in FF make that easy?

    • Ferk
      1 year ago

      I haven’t tried doing that, since I don’t like configuring it that way personally, but I would expect it would be able to remember sessions too if set up that way, since all the settings are independent per profile.

      I’d say that one potential disadvantage is that the icon in the task bar would look the same, and depending on the OS it might group the windows in the task bar as if they were the same app (since technically it is the same executable)