• @Hazdaz@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    That’s great when all those people live in the same block and go to work at the same company and have the same hours.

    But Frank lives 10 miles away and works on the other side of town. And Tim lives 3 towns over and works the night shift. Bill lives in the country and works 40 miles away. Eddy lost a leg in the war and while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station, can’t walk that far with his disability.

    When it is convenient, it is convenient, but there’s a reason why when given the choice, most normal people will drive their car instead no matter what the nonsense in this subs likes to pretend is real.

    • @totallynotarobot@lemmy.world
      1510 months ago

      Don’t forget Susan, whose base wages are so low that she has to work overtime to make ends meet. But the bus doesn’t run that late, so 2/3 of her overtime goes to an uber, whose driver also can’t feed her children.

    • @uis@lemmy.world
      1210 months ago

      can’t walk that far with his disability.

      Neither he can drive. Or in some countries even not allowed to.

      while he is only 1/2 mile from the bus station

      1. This is seriously fucked.
      2. Powered wheelchair.
      • @Hazdaz@lemmy.world
        510 months ago

        Hand-controls are a thing. Eddy is perfectly fine driving his handi-van around. He’s not too keen on when motorcycles part in between the handicapped spots though.

        • @Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world
          410 months ago

          Jessie got shot in the face in the war, his lack of depth perception from having one eye stops him from driving.

          Fred, Stephanie, Phil, Jack, and Masha all have severe hearing loss from the war (Jack’s is actually from training for the war), while they can still drive, it’s safer for them not too.

          Nick, Chloe, Phil (different Phil), and Jessie (same Jessie) all got blown up in the war, driving vehicles is extremely stressful for them. Being a passenger to varying less degrees. Trains don’t seem to trigger any reaction, and busses don’t for at least one of them (not sure about the others)

    • @Gabu@lemmy.world
      910 months ago

      Spoken like a true clueless 'murican. What the fuck do you think bus lines are?

    • stevedidWHAT
      10 months ago

      The post is a meme about how buses are a better option than cars because they can transport more people at once using amount of gas less than what would be done on a 1:1 basis.

      I feel like you’ve not ridden a bus before though - you didn’t mention schedules or routes once which solve the majority of your claimed points.

      The disabled persons perspective is an interesting point, but shuttle services for the disabled would be even easier to run, as they would require vans instead of buses. Also, choosing to live in the country side away from bus routes when you can’t fucking walking is not the fault of the bus haha

    • XiELEd
      14 months ago

      Maybe your public transport infrastructure needs improvement? I don’t think this post wants to judge you— it’s advocating for public transport to be paid more attention. My cousin lives 3 towns away from her workplace— she commutes with a bus or jeepney. We have either buses, vans, or jeepneys; combined they operate 24/7. Hell, my university has students more than 5 municipalities away, the buses start operations early in the morning. Our classes start at 6:30 AM. Oh and btw, our buses have routes more than 300km. Maybe even more. Regarding Eddy, we have something in my country called a motorela or a tricycle, that operates locally in neighbourhoods. He won’t have to walk far, he just has to wait for one and let it deliver him to a waiting area.