Over three-fourths of Americans think there should be a maximum age limit for elected officials, according to a CBS News/YouGov survey.

  • theotherone
    210 months ago

    How well do you share?
    But seriously, if you are going to commit fraud, you might want to run as a Republican. I mean, they seem to have the best support network for treasonous felons.

    • FfaerieOxide
      210 months ago

      Who’s committing fraud?

      My platform is, “I Am Going To Smoke All Of This Here Pot.”

      This is irreverent but I am being serious. Were campaigns to be publicly financed will there be restrictions on how the funds are used, and if not won’t everyone run just for the cheddar?

      On the other hand if there are restrictions will people who have disposable funds (landlords, other exploitative scum) be able to use those as additional funds?

      • Veraxus
        110 months ago

        There already are rules on how campaign funds can be used, but they are weak and what is there is not actively enforced.

        So to answer your question: yes, those rules/laws would need to be modernized as well… and vigorously enforced.