You can say goodbye to these legacy File Explorer options on Windows 11

  • Boabab
    21 year ago

    That’s totally true and somehow it didn’t think of it. I think that is the closest equivalent of the Windows naming scheme on storage devices.
    But on the contrary: I believe on Windows the drive letters ( C:, D;, etc) ARE used for recognition (by the user) while the drive is already mounted. But you can also mount them without assigning a drive letter, making it somewhat different than how it’s handled in Linux. On Linux, the (average) user usually doesn’t see stuff like “/dev/sda” unless they specifically look for it. At most, they will see the name that are assigned to the drive and it’s mounting point.

    • Flaky
      1 year ago

      Pretty much, yeah. I think Windows uses something like \\PhysicalDisk0 internally, then shows it to the user with lettering.