Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ® and the state’s surgeon general are advising against the use of updated COVID-19 vaccines for anyone under the age of 65, a move that counters a new recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Speaking Wednesday on a panel with other physicians who have cast doubt on the COVID vaccine — including some who lobbied Trump administration officials to back the “herd immunity” theory — Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo expressed concerns over the shot’s safety, saying incorrectly that there was “not a drop of clinical trial data” supporting the vaccines.

“We continue to live in a world where the CDC and the [Food and Drug Administration], when it comes to COVID at least, are just beating their own path in a direction that’s inexplicable in terms of thinking about data and in thinking about common sense,” Ladapo said.

  • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    Oh, well you are definitely gonna get autism or catch gay for sure real soon, ya hear. Real dang ol’ soon! Just you wait! Then you’ll be begging President Trump to invent the real cure! He’s just been waiting for y’all libs to come crawling to him with tears in your eyes, crying and begging for his help! Checkmate science-lovers!

    • Jordan Lund
      21 year ago

      And the heart condition! No, wait, I already HAD the heart attack and open heart surgery in 2018 and the myocarditis in 2019…

      I laughed so hard when they were going on about myocarditis… No shit it hurts like a son of a bitch. Feels like you’re being stabbed right in the goddamned heart.

      It actually hurt worse than when I had the actual heart attack. But my doc explained it can be caused by ANY infection, take some anti-inflammatories and it would be fine.