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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/jayinadream on 2023-09-16 06:02:20.

Original Title: Why is it people can go their whole lives doing good towards other people, being completely selfless and helping thousands of not millions of others along their journey, do one wrong thing, and suddenly everyone thinks they’re “showing their true colors”?

As if their 30+ year commitment to doing good was all a front and their one possibly irrational and poorly thought out decision was suddenly shining light on “the monster within”? How does an entire life of good become so quickly dismissed over one mistake?

  • eskimofry
    2 years ago

    If the mistake is murder, 30 years of good has to be REALLY good and the person who died has to have been a real b*stard. But Rape? no chance! Straight to jail.