• LinkOpensChest.wav
    1710 months ago

    The clear answer is yes. This is exactly like the people who say they won’t be allies anymore if we LGBT+ people aren’t polite enough.

    No halfway decent person who isn’t a steaming pile of excrement would be deterred by such a protest. That user’s take stems from discourse specifically designed to shut down protests, and it’s imperative that we do not let it work.

    So no, the “dude” doesn’t have a “point.” It’s all horseshit. Shut them down immediately when they start flapping their pie hole with that shit.

    • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
      610 months ago

      No halfway decent person who isn’t a steaming pile of excrement would be deterred by such a protest.

      You assume there are significantly more “halfway decent people” than “steaming piles of excrement”. If your assumption were true, we would have abandoned fossil fuels in favor of electric vehicles at least 40 years ago, and wouldn’t be having this argument today. Humanity leans far more to the “excrement” side of this particular debate.

      You need the support of quite a lot of the people you describe as “steaming piles of excrement”, and all you’re doing is driving them straight to the first politician who says “I’ll lock up every last one of these asshole protesters as soon as they step in the street” while taking the money of every oil tycoon on the planet.

      No, OP’s idea is infinitely superior to those jobless, orange-coated jackasses.

      • You don’t actually need public support to shut down fossil fuel infrastructure if your supporters are organized and willing to perish over it. The doomers actually do have large enough numbers that they could organize and set up their own militias if they really wanted to. Hell, the right wing nutjobs do it all the time.

              • 🤨 If that’s the way you regard your fellow man for protesting something simply because their protest inconveniences you, then it’s no wonder so many people are undeterred by possible jail time over it.

                Damn dude. You all demand unending sympathy for rapists and pedophiles, but the second someone implies a threat to your access to McDonald’s and 7-11, all that talk goes out the window. Nope, off to jail you go! you say without a second’s thought toward the hypocrisy.

                There’s no reason anyone should take you seriously.

                • @Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
                  210 months ago

                  You suggested they are ready, willing, and eager to go to jail, and now you’re arguing I’m some kind of bad guy because I share their desire for them to be jailed. And somehow, I’m the hypocrite?