No worries about growing zone, weather, space requirements just your dream garden.

I would love to be able to grow vanilla, they look really cool the flowers smell amazing and having a source of fresh vanilla beans would probably unlock some next level cooking. An olive tree would be cool too, I can eat unlimited olives and making my own oil would be awesome.

  • @agent_flounder
    10 months ago

    An orange tree. They grew great in the desert southwest (with a fair amount of water though). We used to get multiple grocery bags full of oranges from one tree. Fresh squeezed orange juice is unbelievably better than anything you can get in a bottle. It’s so sweet and smooth. God I miss that so much.

    Ginger and Turmeric for culinary purposes.

    Cacti. (See above about desert southwest). I miss the native flora. I just love desert gardens.

    Bamboo because it seems like it would be useful for building stuff (refer to Grandpa Amu on yt) or bamboo shoots in stir fry.

    I’d still keep all of my native CO and other low water plants too. And I would keep the garlic, oregano, Egyptian onions, tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, carrots, radishes, and sunflowers.

    PS: also i would love to grow ancient / less popular grains purely for the hell of it (and eating).