• @weedazz@lemmy.world
    910 months ago

    Some of them don’t even want a functioning world and are actively trying to end it for all of us to bring the day of the rapture closer

    • @Imotali@lemmy.world
      510 months ago

      Seven Mountain Cult is honestly terrifying if not for the simple fact of how effectively they’ve infiltrated governance and actively campaign for the end of the world.

      • twelve20two
        210 months ago

        I’d never heard of this before and looked it up. That’s concerning. I don’t have enough time right now to look deep enough to find which politicians are a part of it, however. Are there any in the House of Representatives or the Senate you can know of?

        • @Imotali@lemmy.world
          310 months ago

          I don’t think there’s any members of government who are members of a church that espouses the Seven Mountain Mandate, but prettyuch the entire “Freedom Caucus” is very buddy buddy with a lot of influential people from Seven Mountain Mandate churches.

          These churches also routinely are seen with celebrities such as Justin Bieber, the Kardashian, etc.

          They would also tell you they’re not an apocalypse cult and they just want to “bring about the second coming”

          But like, that’s an apocalypse cult. If you want to end the world, you’re an apocalypse cult.