Voters want change, but still remain unsatisfied with their options

  • Ive read about hitlers rise to power, I actually posted a detailed documentary on it as well, ill share it here for reference, I encourage all of you guys to watch it, I would tell you to pay close attention to how german ppl felt hopeless before and then hitler promised such good things. And for the record for those who don’t know nazi were national socialists for reference here is wiki But seriously watch the documentary, it’s extremely informative, (also not for nothing but i been hearing nothing but trump is a nazi, his supporters are nazis for 8 years now so im sorry but lets not pretend comments with dates dont exist, no offense)

    • Maeve
      21 year ago

      With respect, I think that’s exactly what’s happening here, and pretending “socialist” wasn’t a part of his plot to attract commoners -volk- is somewhat disingenuous.