Reddit is actively restoring deleted comments and posts. Deleting your account won’t make any useful difference. Instead:

  • Keep the account around but use some tool to delete all comments and posts everyday. I use Redact app on Android but there’re many others. Reddit would not be restoring comments and posts if they are not useful to them. By keeping your profile and keep deleting everything, you are denying Reddit any chance from making use of your data.
  • Monitor when subreddit opens poll for re-opening and vote the “best” option.
  • @Solemn
    141 year ago

    The post is saying that if you delete your account, you lose any control if they restore your posts/comments. There is no “keep deleting” your account, cause that’s not what they’re potentially restoring.

    • Singletona
      21 year ago

      appreciate the clarification.

      Also this is interesting given rossman posting how reddit protests are failing.

      • subignition
        21 year ago

        I generally like the guy but some folks commenting on his videos about this situation are pretty wild, to put it mildly. Dear lord.

        • Singletona
          21 year ago

          Everyone so eager to perpetuate the stereotype of ‘reddit mods as pear-shaped scraggly mall ninja types that have a death grip on Banhammer and are internet addicts.’

          Basically everyone looking for a group to mock that nobody will tell them they can’t.

          • nyan
            1 year ago

            It’s a roundabout way to mock neurodivergent people. People can flat out mock autistic traits and then be like “god redditors are the worst” and other people will agree. Of course, it’s never about the people who say these things’s use of reddit or their friends’ use of reddit. It’s not just reddit that this applies to, either. Or even neurodivergency. It can also be used more generally to be racist, homophobic, transphobic…