Point being, all of us that are here are the ones cool enough to come here. We are unified by the desire for a better social media that is not-for-profit and user driven. And that makes this community unique compared to the scabs advocating for Reddit. The people who will belong here will come here. :)

  • @Rottcodd
    121 year ago

    Additionally, that’s why I like the fact that the fediverse is sort of technically complex and not particularly user-friendly, and if I had my way about it, it would stay that way.

    Bluntly, technical complexity serves as a barrier-to-entry for lazy and stupid people, and that’s a good thing.

    I’m old enough to remember when the internet as a whole was like that - when you had to have some technical knowledge and determination just to get online at all. And I remember how much and how quickly things went downhill when that was no longer the case.

    • md5crypto
      31 year ago

      I agree. The early days of the Internet were technically complex enough to prevent mass usage. F.e., Usenet.

    • @MyMulligan
      11 year ago

      I’ll agree somewhat but I hated the days you had to begin with http:\www. to navigate anywhere. When the browser just added that by default, that was a sweet time.