They’re not worth anything, never were but even less through the years with inflation.

If a store wants to sell something for 99 cent, they can either just take 1€ or 95 cent.

Maybe even 5 cent pieces? But that would be a bit radical.

I am a bit annoyed that easy ideas like this are never discussed in politics, or wherever. It would make our lives just a little bit easier, and having them achieves NOTHING.

    41 year ago

    The 2020 report of the ECB actually states offline payments as a desired feature and to work overall “like cash”. Anonymous payments, however, are ruled out (money laundering bla bla, probably a rather weak argument considering Taler’s characteristics).

      11 year ago

      Okay, offline payments might work between a shop terminal and a customer, but what is as if not more important is the ability to easily give money to a friend privately, which I don’t see.