How do you guys set internal domains?

Say i dont want to type and want a url instead, say jellyfin.servername - how would I go about that? I don’t want it exposed online via reverse proxy. I don’t need certs. No port forwarding on the router.

How do I type ‘jellyfin.servername’ into a browser and being up the jellyfin dashboard?

  • @priapus
    1 year ago

    I get that, they’re a bit confusing at first. I’d highly recommend looking at Caddy, it’s configuration is very simple. Really all you have to do is pick a domain name and point it at the correct port. If you’re only accessing locally you don’t even need to buy a domain.

    • novarimeOP
      11 year ago

      I have a domain, but if I don’t have to use it, all the better. So with a reverse proxy, if i don’t want it accessible on the web, i can literally pick anything? I could call it “” if i wanted?

      • @priapus
        11 year ago

        Yep! If you have a local DNS server such as a pihole you could just manually add to your local dns records and set the IP as your servers IP. If you don’t have a local DNS server, you can just add it to your hosts file.

        Once you do this, any requests to that domain will go to your reverse proxy, which if set up correctly will send you to Jellyfin.