I always enjoy checking out the demos from these events. Has anyone else tried any yet? Would love to hear about any fun demos you’ve found.

  • @fdisk@beehaw.org
    31 year ago

    I gave Sea of Stars a try. It’s from the developers of The Messenger. I’m really liking what I played so far. After Chained Echoes, I think this will be my next big hit for retro jrpg. The pixel art is gorgeous and the music is really good so far. I’m not big on timed attack in turn-based game, but I suspect that I’ll get over that quickly.

    • @aokon@beehaw.org
      21 year ago

      I played the demo for this on the switch and it was great! The changes they made to combat make it so good imo.

    • blaise
      11 year ago

      Thanks for the heads-up, I’ve had this one on my wishlist for a while! Yasunori Mitsuda is involved with the soundtrack from what I’ve read, so there’s lots of potential.