Huuuge deep dive on the show and awesome nostalgia fest for lovers of this (probably underrated) show!

    229 months ago

    “Forgotten masterpiece,” says the amnesia victim. Nostalgiafest?? It’s only from.2008-2013!

    Wait til you hear about a series of movies about a guy who discovers nothing is real and in reality humans are battling against a giant sentient computer that uses people like batteries! It’s from —GASP!— PREHISTORIC 1999-2003!!

    • @maegul@lemmy.mlOP
      9 months ago

      No need for the sass.

      Some people are younger than you and you might be kinda old now … not a problem, but get used to it, we have different perspectives.

      A 10 year old in 2008 is 25 now and may well have children of their own. That’s a completely transformed person since the show aired. That counts as nostalgia. Not for you, that’s fine. But chill and let people enjoy themselves.

      Otherwise, I am actually old enough to understand where you’re coming from (I might sctuslly be older than you, not that it matters), except that reminiscing about something from 10 years ago counts as nostalgia for me especially if it’s a deep dive detailed retelling as this … I was surprised at how much of the show I’d forgotten.

      If want to get nostalgic about the matrix, or Jurassic Park, or Aliens or Star Wars or whatever … go ahead. Doesn’t mean we can’t get nostalgic about something we remember endearingly.

        169 months ago

        Yes need for sass. SASS!! You ARE showing your age!

        Nostalgia for a TV series that is most likely available for viewing AT THIS VERY MOMENT? That’s like saying you’re feeling nostalgic about The Big Bang Theory! It NEVER went away!

        Maybe you mean nostalgia for the first encounter, like your first kiss? “I remember when I first saw Fringe…and now I’m seeing it on Netflix for the seventh complete run-through of all the seasons.” “Oh, ham and American cheese sandwich, I remember the first time Mom made you for me in 1st grade…”

        How do you get through your day, all misty-eyed like that? Now THAT’S SASS!