Reading about FOSS philosophy, degoogling, becoming against corporations, and now a full-blown woke communist (like Linus Torvalds)

  • @rk96
    9 months ago

    Im sure you know more about me then I do, But I wont get into this argument, seems pointless

    • LoudWaterHombre
      49 months ago

      You are probably right, it does seem kinda pointless. A full blown capitalist embraces capitalism to its fullest and believes in its values. FOSS kinda contradicts that and hurts capitalism. You should support the economy and pay other companies to develop, manage, license, (…) your software.

      • HubertManne
        59 months ago

        Oh I have to disagree here. FOSS is about free as in freedom not free as in beer. Make as much money as you care to with your FOSS software.

      • @rk96
        19 months ago

        Did you see me ask for regulation againts it? I dont think so, again, this seems pointless

        • LoudWaterHombre
          29 months ago

          What kind of argument is seeing you pushing regulations against it? The question was if you are a full blown capitalist and if you support FOSS, you are most certainly not. You have to stop coming off as an american.

          • @rk96
            19 months ago

            Im not an american.

            Supporting foss doesnt make me not a capitalist, capitalism in its root is personal choice, and I choose FOSS over proprietery, and its fine

              • @rk96
                19 months ago

                Yes, it is, even you know that, deny it all you’d like.

                And don’t even think about saying that about communism, because its not

                • LoudWaterHombre
                  19 months ago

                  Its also not the root of communism, no. You throwing those around like buzzwords

        • LoudWaterHombre
          29 months ago
          1. Reduced Revenue for Proprietary Software: FOSS provides free alternatives to proprietary software, potentially reducing the revenue streams for companies selling proprietary software.

          2. Commoditization of Software: FOSS can turn software, which might otherwise be a product to be sold, into a commodity. As a result, traditional software companies have to find new ways to monetize, often through services or specialized solutions.

          3. Reduction in Competitive Advantage: Companies that once had a unique software product might find it hard to compete when there’s an equivalent open-source alternative available.

          4. Change in Business Models: The rise of FOSS has forced many companies to adapt their business models. Instead of selling software licenses, they may need to offer services, support, or other value-added products.

          5. Innovation and Collaboration over Profit: The FOSS philosophy emphasizes community-driven development, which can prioritize innovation and collaboration over profit-making.

            • LoudWaterHombre
              19 months ago

              It’s impossible for me to definitively confirm whether a specific text was generated by ChatGPT or another version of GPT-3 (or a different AI model altogether) just by reading it. The content provided is factual and consistent with how FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) is often described, but it could have been written by anyone knowledgeable about the topic. It’s important to remember that GPT-3 produces outputs based on the information it has been trained on, but similar sentences or ideas can also be formulated by humans or other AI models.