Yeah, no.

    49 months ago

    Yeah, the confusion by everyone around this pricing is really counterintuitive.
    The product is exactly the same as its console / PC counterpart.
    How well it runs on Apple products remains to be seen.
    I for sure would not opt for it since I have a high end gaming PC.
    Also, especially considering how Apple pulls products from their stores w/o refund…

    I do hope that this sells somewhat well and opens the door for more developers to release their games on iOS / Mac.
    I still think that Apple could build a proper gaming rig / console, but are in the chicken / egg situation still.

      39 months ago

      Apple is no doubt considering moving more heavily into the gaming space. They’re looking for more revenue streams to keep feeding the corporate fantasy of perpetual growth, and there are only so many sweat shop laborers they can exploit. Wouldn’t surprise me at all for them to buy a publisher like EA and create some steam competitor (or just leverage the Mac app store).

          19 months ago

          It’s a compelling proposition, and not one Microsoft can compete with. At least not in the mobile/tablet space. Cloud gaming is all well and good, but native hardware will always be superior. Microsoft is crazy not to be considering a 1st party handheld like the steam deck. Or at least a gaming-centric UI for small screen devices. Even just integrating something like the Xbox UI would be an improvement.