With all the noise on lemmy, spam, and political content I have no interest in, the thought occurred to have blocklists similar to adblock lists. Has anyone looked into this before, is it already a thing? Any thoughts on that?

  • Admiral Patrick
    9 months ago

    So basically just a way to export/import community block lists (e.g to a json/csv file) and share them?

    I’m mostly asking since I maintain a Lemmy frontend (Tesseract), and that sounds like an easy feature to implement if I understand correctly.

    • @notfromhereOP
      29 months ago

      Yea some way to automatically update community maintained block lists. Intent would be to share work done by individuals to benefit everyone.

      • Admiral Patrick
        29 months ago

        Ok, cool. I’ll add something like that to my roadmap. I’ll leave the sharing part up to the users, but I don’t think it should be hard to export/import a block list from a text file.

        • @notfromhereOP
          19 months ago

          What about a way to check for updates to the blocklist from a URL, e.g. a file on github.

          • Admiral Patrick
            29 months ago

            Doable, but the problem lies in distributing the Github link to pull / check.

            If I hard code it, that wouldn’t work for a lot of people (different people block for different reasons, etc). If it’s a user option, you’d have to put the GitHub link in on every device (user settings are only saved locally).

            Best case would be an option to either upload a JSON file or enter a URL to pull a JSON file.