Sweden’s prime minister on Thursday said that he’s summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave that has shocked the country with almost daily shootings and bombings.

Getting the military involved in crime-fighting would be a highly unusual step for Sweden, underscoring the severity of the gang violence that has claimed a dozen lives across the country this month, including teenagers and innocent bystanders.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that he would meet with the armed forces’ supreme commander and the national police commissioner on Friday to explore “how the armed forces can help police in their work against the criminal gangs.”

    • SwagaliciousSR
      19 months ago

      Very impressive answer Mr “jag har inga argument förutom svärord”

      • Reality Suit
        29 months ago

        Typical immigrant, not wanting to speak the native language.

        • SwagaliciousSR
          19 months ago

          Wow, a new commentator with nothing to add! Except name calling. Color me suprised!