All over the world, board game groups meet and play board games of all kinds, so let’s talk about it!

    11 year ago

    How is the Deep Rock Galactic game? Love the video game and the board game looked interesting but I never pulled the trigger.

      11 year ago

      We only have one session under our belt, but initial impressions were pretty good. I too love DRG, but I was sceptical that the boardgame would capture the feeling good enough, but I think they managed it. The rules are good enough, it’s got a “light” complexity (warning: I play a lot of rule heavy board games so ymmv) Quality of minis are very good. The only thing I worry about is replay ability. Its got quite a few missions you can play, but it felt a tad shallow so I’m not sure if it can keep our attention for years…

      Anyways, my 3 cents on it… :D

        11 year ago

        Thanks for the input! Yeah I play a lot of very rule heavy games too so I would probably view it as light as well. Might have to put it on my ever growing list of games to buy!