A US State Department report that accuses the Chinese government of expanding disinformation efforts is “in itself disinformation,” Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed Saturday.

The ministry shot back after the State Department issued a striking report this week in which it accused the Chinese government of expanding efforts to control information and to disseminate propaganda and disinformation that promotes “digital authoritarianism” in China and around the world.

The US report, issued by the Global Engagement Center on Thursday, alleged that China spends billions of dollars a year on foreign information manipulation and warned that Chinese leader Xi Jinping had “significantly expanded” efforts to “shape the global information environment.”

It also underlined US concerns about China as a main military competitor and key rival in the battle over ideas and global disinformation.

  • @goldenlocks@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    Ask NATO, they’re the aggressors that provoked this conflict. They expanded around Russia and heightened tensions by putting nuclear missiles in Turkey to provoke the Cuban missile crisis, so you know Russians don’t want nuclear missiles in Ukraine. Same as we wouldn’t want Russian missiles in Mexico.

    • @RedAggroBest@lemmy.world
      111 year ago

      That’s the worst take yet.

      Claiming NATO actions at the height of the cold war were aggression towards the modern Russian state is ridiculous.

      nuclear missiles in Turkey to provoke the Cuban missile crisis

      Except that was before disarmament? Which the US and USSR (and now Russia and many others) signed on to. Trying to say that 50yo actions taken at the height of the cold war justify Russia’s modern actions is outright horseshit.

    • @barsoap@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Why did all those states want to join NATO? Might it have something to do with the continued occupation of Moldova, the invasion of Georgia, and their experience they had while being Russian vassals, being subjects to deportations and worse? Ever talked to an Estonian?

      Wanna talk about nukes in Kaliningrad and Belarus? Wanna talk about the Budapest memorandum? Wanna talk about China’s nuclear guarantees to Ukraine and wonder why Russia is only making nuclear threats against NATO, but not Ukraine?

    • Spzi
      61 year ago

      Ask NATO, they’re the aggressors that provoked this conflict. They expanded around Russia

      The difference between NATO expansion and Russia’s expansion:

      NATO expands by having democracies decide to join. Note for this to happen, the countries in question must want to join. If you insist, you can blame NATO for accepting these applications.

      Russia expands by rolling in with tanks, killing people and committing war crimes. Exactly the reason why all those countries want to join NATO, to have some protection from that bully.

      But sure, the defensive alliance is the actual aggressor, not the country starting invasions. /s

        • Spzi
          11 year ago

          Yes, “all practical civilian and military cooperation between NATO and Russia” was suspended by NATO on 1 April 2014, in response to Russia annexing Crimea, which also broke the Budapest Memorandum.

          No country has the right to join an alliance with other countries. You can ask, they can reject.

          Try to include arguments instead of personal attacks, if you can.

            • Spzi
              11 year ago

              Ok, so what does this mean? Is the idea NATO should accept all countries who apply? Should not reject applications?

              • @goldenlocks@lemmy.world
                11 year ago

                I believe it means that NATO’s goal is to balkanize Russia, not to protect Europe from them but to exploit their natural resources. Currently all the oil in Russia belongs to a state owned company so the west does not like that.

    • @bbuez@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I love me some mental gymnastics just as much as everyone else, but for a minute lets agree for some reason Putin has a reason to be worried about “NATO expansionism”… didnt he e already have the upper hand circa 2014 and Crimea? Was he feeling just as threatened? Somehow even after mobilizing, Europe was still energy dependant, the US was about as friendly with Russia in a long time during the trump presidency, I’ve had the impression that much remained neutral before the full scale invasion aside from trade quarrels, nobody was talking about arming Ukraine in some sort of cold war era missile crisis. Which I would certainly hope the change from 3 day "special operation " into this fucking shitshow should tell you all you need: it is about the land. And if you’re wanting the former Soviet Union coming back to its glory through force, just say it.