Rep. Patrick McHenry is now the acting Speaker of the House.

    209 months ago

    Greene won’t get the votes.

    I think what you’re missing or weren’t paying attention to was the fact this all would have been avoided had McCarthy just stuck with the deal from the Debt Ceiling.

    Dems didn’t push him out. They just didn’t save him after he said he wouldn’t negotiate with them. He also spent all weekend going off on Dems on all the Sunday shows when it was his own caucus holding talks hostage.

    I think you don’t know enough to really speak on the topic.

      39 months ago

      I know a lot more than you realize. I wrote another reply that explains a bit more. I’m just trying to be pragmatic here about what’s best for the country. We have no speaker now, with a pending government shutdown in just a few weeks. And we saw how long it took for those lunatics to confirm McCarthy, when they already had a speaker lined up. They don’t even have a replacement lined up. They’re the dog that managed to catch the car. Things are about to get a lot worse in Washington, and that’s not even including the fact that the next speaker will be even worse. I understand why the Democrats are pissed off at him, he’s an asshole. There was also a point in time when everyone thought Boehner was as bad as it gets.