• @CmdrShepard
    101 year ago

    That says civility not bigotry. Bigotry applies to people who haven’t done anything wrong other than being born ‘different’ from the bigot not people who’ve spent their life in the public eye grifting and doing one wrong thing after another.

      • @CmdrShepard
        121 year ago

        You keep saying that you’re politically neutral yet keep shoehorning in comments about “leftists” and “leftists say XYZ…”. You’re quite obviously not being politically unbiased here. Why do you care if people say “good riddance” about a public figure who has done countless deplorable things in his life under the cloak of ‘christianity’?

      • @zkikiz@lemmy.ml
        91 year ago

        Pat Robertson is currently shaking hands with Hitler in hell, and it’s not prejudiced or uncivilized or bigoted to say so. He spent his whole life stirring up hatred, division, and lies – well documented, over decades – and nobody with an ounce of conscience would disagree.