Not sure why this got removed from 196lemmy… but it would be real nice if moderation on Lemmy gave you some sort of notification of what you did wrong. Like an automatic DM or something

      21 year ago

      I’m not saying that, just that there’s no outside way of verifying if something is true or not in case of morals. I don’t believe objective morals exist because you can’t find a single moral stance shared among all of humanity not because you can’t measure the truth of that stance.

          11 year ago

          I can’t really say about all kinds of suffering, it really depends on context.

          It’s like asking if all love is good. There are so many situations I can imagine it could be good or bad or even neutral.

            11 year ago

            With out of context I mean in it’s nature. Imagine you have to cut off someone’s leg who doesn’t like pain and won’t profit from experiencing it during the amputation now or in the future, is it better to do it in the way it causes the most pain or the way it causes less pain, when it leads to exactly the same result?

              11 year ago

              Oh in that context it’s absolutely worse. And in a complete vaccum where no action or even existence precedes or continues from that one moment of suffering it’s also bad.

              Though because such a vacuum does not exist in reality suffering can be good. For example choosing to suffer to bring about some good outcome would be good. Or suffering that builds character for some future event. Also some forms of suffering are enjoyable to some people.

                11 year ago

                Yeah of course. But that doesn’t change that it’s objective. I don’t mean suffering just as in physical pain.

                  11 year ago

                  Yea, the fact that there are a billion things that can be considered suffering makes it even more subjective since one form of suffering may be someone else’s enjoyment.

                  How is suffering morally objective?

                    11 year ago

                    If you hit two people with a stick, one enjoys it and the other does not, than clearly one is suffering the other isn’t. That’s not morally objective it’s a biological reality.

            11 year ago

            Exactly, physical pain and other forms of suffering are an objective reality. You can, in theory at last, decide objectively whether any decision will lead to more or less pain immediately and in the future.

            If you look at ethics you could assume the only axiom it has is that when comparing more pain or less pain, less pain is better. This is even independent from circumstance if you consider all suffering now and in the future that are consequences of an observed decision.

            In my opinion that makes the decision whether something is morally bad or good objective in it’s nature.

                11 year ago

                You could still in theory measure it if you also measure whether and to what extent the idea that pain is a virtue leads to more or less suffering in the life of the person and others directly and indirectly affected.

                Otherwise what you suggest is that consequences don’t exist if we can’t foresee them. But obviously the consequences will objectively exist, whether or not we can measure them.

                Imagine you could look at the whole universe, all factors in all of it’s future. It’s an objective reality, if you agree that suffering is real, that every option will either entail more, less or the same amount of suffering than the other options.

                That’s what I am asking, is the option that entails more suffering better or the one that entails less suffering?

                    11 year ago

                    It’s not subjective, though. Morality is an objective reality, that can, in theory, be compared between any two options and there would always be an objective answer which of the options are better or worse or the same. You just think there is no objective reason to follow those options which are morally better, but that’s a different question.