Interested in getting a feel for what people may be likely to do IF reddit reverses their decision regarding API access, or reduces access fees to a reasonable level and 3rd party apps remain sustainable.

While I know the chances of this are extreeeemely slim, until 1st July there is an ever so slight chance this could still happen.

From my perspective, the community harm is done, and those who have left prior to July 1 have left due to principles, not because their app stopped working. As such, I’d be inclined to think most of those migrators would stay here in the fediverse.

But would we see a mass exodus back to reddit if the changes were undone? It’s easy to say no, but if it went back to operations as relatively normal, it may be easy to justify going back for some users.

I’d like to think I wouldn’t go back. I’ve deleted content and account from reddit. I’ll be happy here so long as there is enough userbase for some discussion.

  • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
    151 year ago

    I think everyone reading this from kbin or lemmy left out of principle, so they should also stay away from reddit out of principle.

    • nyoom
      1 year ago

      To be fair, there are some people who are here because they had their fill of John Oliver’s sexy pictures.

      edit: To clarify, I left out of principle just like what @Doll_Tow_Jet-ski said. Doesn’t mean my statement is untrue or that it’s inherently a bad thing that it’s not all idealistic exredditors using lemmy/kbin. It only means the John Oliver stuff is actually working and drove some people out of Reddit.

        21 year ago

        I dunno man. That was the first thing that made me actually want to go back. That and the butthole. I definitely regretted the butthole. Not sure what I was expecting. It was a butthole.

        • Doll_Tow_Jet-ski
          11 year ago

          I’m afraid to ask but… what was that about the butthole? I haven’t been to Reddit since the 12th

            11 year ago

            Interestingasfuck went nuclear and decided to allow NSFW content and essentially stop moderating, some dad posted that if he got enough upvotes he would post hi hairy butthole, which made it to the front page of r/all where it hovered and winked at world for a while.

    • @NightOwl
      21 year ago

      Or at least try to. I haven’t been able to cut myself off from it and set up RSS feeds for subs buildapcsales and gamedeals

      To use with feedly. Also, found a lemmy instance called that will pull content from a subreddit to lemmy and set up gamedeals, but didn’t have luck with buildapcsales

      But, days of accounts is done. I don’t want to provide direct data to them anymore.