Upon inception it was set at $0.25. It is now $7.25.

  • blazera
    09 months ago

    And we are in by far the longest stretch of no increase. Thanks biden and democrats.

    • ares35
      09 months ago

      don’t blame them. you need the white house, the house, and 60 votes in the senate to get most legislation through and into law.

      • blazera
        09 months ago

        60 votes thanks to democrats being fine with the filibuster. They had the ability to get rid of it in favor of simple majority.

    • @Perfide@reddthat.com
      09 months ago

      Lmao Biden and the Democrats? Are you high? Part of Bidens covid relief bill included a $15 minimum wage. It was struck out of the bill by a vote of 58-42. A grand total of 7(well, 6, since Sinema isn’t a Dem anymore and never really was) democrats voted against it. EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN voted against it.

      Now tell me, why is it “Biden and the Democrats” fault when they actually try to improve things but fail(even if the 6/7 nay dems had voted yeah, that’s still at best 49 yeahs), but never Republicans fault when they actually DO vote in lockstep to prevent any democrat endorsed legislation from passing, and when a significant percentage of them are actively trying to strip rights away from people?

      Oh, I forgot to mention; while Biden doesn’t have the executive power to unilaterally raise the national minimum wage, he DOES have the power to raise the minimum wage for employees of the federal government, which… he did.

    • Melllvar
      09 months ago

      If that were true, we’d expect to see red states with higher minimum wages than blue states, no?

      • blazera
        19 months ago

        I aint mentioned republicans. Them being shit doesnt give dems a pass to also be shit