It really whips the llama’s ass. Post says it all. Foreveralone. Take my upvote. Are we in post-social media yet or what?

          141 year ago

          It’s the one the devs run and so is often treated as such, but they discourage it in order to encourage decentralization and because they don’t want too much moderation overhead.

            11 year ago

            It’s unfortunate, when I signed up a day or two back I tried several other instances first but they were all down. Or some kind of weird communist thing. So I ended up with simply because it was there at the time.

            I’ve seen a lot of comments about adding a mechanism to allow user accounts to be migrated from one instance to another, hopefully that’ll get added relatively soon and then I’ll be able to diffuse out to a smaller instance.

    • Communist
      131 year ago

      Yes, if mozilla makes an instance the game will be changed. The biggest problems I’m seeing people on reddit say is that making an account is awful and picking an instance is too hard. Please mozilla