• UlyssesT [he/him]
          109 months ago

          I pointed out misandry

          You being a crybully piece of shit and getting called out for being a crybully piece of shit isn’t misandry. You truly are not all men. Which is fortunate.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              79 months ago

              Bravo, you have solved the problem. * dusts hands *

              Your passive-aggressive sarcasm makes you look petty and weak here. Your “self improvement” is continuing to sabotage you.


                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  9 months ago

                  You are telling me to go become a redpiller/Tateist lol.

                  Jordan Peterson once said “clean your room, bucko.” That doesn’t mean that cleaning a room is automatically a bad idea. Likewise, you must have some terrible grasp of lived reality if you think the only reason to not sulk and be passive-aggressive all the time is because of what a human trafficker might have said once.

                  Rather be calm and not listen

                  You keep replying. You keep carrying that cross you built for yourself.

                  than swing myself in any direction

                  You’re freefalling in a self-inflicted rightward direction and fooling no one here.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          9 months ago

          This is precisely why I find myself always taking a step back whenever I end up aligning with the socialist left on social politics.

          Sure, sure, you are as leftist as they come, butt

          Everytime it is about cis het men self improvement or working out

          Or you pretending it’s all you’re doing when you write Elliot Rodger tier shit like this:

          no social consideration for men

          I can already see the Petersonian crocodile tears. up-yours-woke-moralists

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              89 months ago


              You’re not, but you sound more passive-aggressive with that Reddit-tier opener. If you’re that big into “self improvement” try improving your delivery style.

              I never followed lobster boy

              Considering how much you’ve already either lied about or laughably misread women around you, I’m going to doubt you here. If you truly haven’t, and you want to continue your crusade of self pity and totally-not-misogyny misogyny, you’re missing out by not signing on with Dr. Professor Peterson Esquire PhD MD. You have no apparent functional differences between your ideology and his.

              About 99% of my politics is pretty much as leftist

              There it is again. You are so totally as leftist as they come, butt

              The thing with bigots like you is that you think it’s some equal (or worse) negative thing to feel even a hint of what you in your privileged position dish out on a regular basis, unnoticed and unseen. If you truly feel oppressed by those evil feeeeemales, look at how many poor oppressed “canceled” men dominate corporate boardrooms and the Fortune 500 list (while burning the planet down).

              is going to get labelled as a “Petersonian” or “pseudointellectual” redpill apologist

              Because you are and have provided absolutely nothing of substance to prove otherwise. If you sermonize against women like a Petersonian, do pseudointellectual Redpill apologism like a pseudointellectual Redpill apologist, and then whine about the labels, the problem is not the labels. It is you.

              Blame the men that need to be blamed.

              You’re one of them. I am a man with good relationships with women, from my wife to my coworkers to my friends. The problem is you. Your pretenses of “self improvement” are keeping you in a bitter and hateful rut and I sincerely hope you drop the nonsense someday.