The only justification for not doing this is protectionism. Starmer is placing party above country. We can see how damaging the Tories are. I do not want to see their likes again.

    19 months ago

    You complain about fascism, yet you want a political party to be effectively barred from being voted in.

    Do you not see the irony here?

      89 months ago

      Try and follow your own train of thoughts for a little longer. Perhaps by asking yourself why that political party would be “effectively barred”? It wouldn’t be because it would be banned but simply because it would exist in a system where popular representation was the foundation. So because people didn’t support and vote for them they would no longer be holding power. That is a good thing and literally the opposite of fascism.

      The irony is thick indeed, but it was not in their comment.

      89 months ago

      The Conservatives would not be barred from power under PR. They would be barred from unjust power. To get power, they would need to be more in the centre as it’s not a right wing country.