In the end, the KKK did not choose to support Donald Trump because he was a Republican but because they agreed with the ideas that he (and other far-right Republicans) spout. It is finally time to face the rise in the twenty-first century of a new form of white nationalism and its alignment with many leaders of the Republican Party, including Trump.

  • SonnyVabitch
    3411 months ago

    Not all Trump supporters are fascists, but all fascists are Trump supporters.

      2211 months ago

      Not all Trump supporters are fascists, but all of them agree that fascism isn’t a deal breaker.

      1811 months ago

      And if you support Trump, you at the very least are ok with fascists. You can judge a person by the company they keep…

        11 months ago

        So is that the new thing with you guys? You inject “tankies” into every discussion that has nothing to do with them? It’s boring man.

        Get a new schtick.

        • There’s basically no right wing chuds here, so they’ve made a boogieman out of people further to the left then themselves that don’t agree with their narrative.

            211 months ago

            Lol… who’s defending them? I just think it’s funny when people force a topic into a discussion where said topic wasn’t being discussed- as if no one will notice how annoying it is.

            I’d say- and have said the same to them when dumb shit is introduced to a conversation that isn’t about their dumb shit.

      • Enkrod
        211 months ago

        Hmmmm… I’d argue against them being communists, rather they are what I’d like to call “communist party buorgeoisie”.

        The North Korean System has much in common with fascism. But I don’t know if I’d call them fascists.

        For sure they are evil authoritarian goons, but fascism is more than that, because on top of being build on authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism and often racism, it is also expansionist, anti-liberal, anti-communist and anti-socialist, it is overwhelmingly corporatist, placed firmly in the spectrum of the right. And - in a surprising twist - anti-conservative in it’s revolutionary mindset.

        North Korea for one is clearly left-nationalist authoritarian. I’d even go so far as to call it a Stalinist system. It is anything but corporatist except where it is necessarily subservient to China.

        China on the other hand has left its communist days behind and has become a major capitalist player on the world stage, creating an export-focused capitalist society with strong corporatist economy. And holy shit, if China isn’t chauvinist expansionist I don’t know who qualifies… So yes, they can likely be classified as fascists.

    • Sentrovasi
      511 months ago

      And I venture to argue that because of the way politicians want to maintain their voterbases, it pushes his politics further and further into fascism.