This meme is from 2004. History repeats itself.

  • BaldProphet
    271 year ago

    Go further back, even. The UN Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947 would have given Palestine its own territory, splitting it with Israel 45/55. The Arab League and Arab Higher Committee of Palestine both rejected it.

    It’s not like compromises have never been offered. The Arabs have simply never been willing to accept anything less than the expulsion of the Jews from the territory.

    • FaceDeer
      421 year ago

      From their perspective, someone just moved into their house one day and when they objected they said “let’s compromise, you can keep half of the house.” No wonder they rejected that compromise.

      Unfortunately we’re now a couple of generations past that initial event so it’s a lot more complicated at this point.

      • DarkGamer
        1 year ago

        At this rate they shall soon have no house at all. Constant terror attacks against an undefeatable enemy and an unwillingness to compromise will ensure it.

        21 year ago

        Correct me if I’m wrong here, but I don’t think they “just moved in”. They’ve lived there for a long time as well, but the former country of Palestine was quite divided ethnically, and that caused issues due to extremists (on both sides).

        The purpose of splitting Palestine was to get two countries that were at least less divided ethnically, but due to where people lived Israel still remained quite evenly divided between muslims and jews whereas the new Palestine was close to 100% muslims.

        Countries have been split all over the world before in somewhat similar manners without causing as big conflicts, showing that this could’ve been done in a peaceful manner. What went wrong here? I don’t know.

    • @matcha_addict@lemy.lolOP
      131 year ago

      Palestinians are not saying to expel Jews. They are saying to remove the ethnoreligious state, not the Jews themselves.

      This was reiterated countless of times. They seek a Democratic state where Jews and non jews can be equal.

      • BaldProphet
        1 year ago

        Sorry, I was wrong. They want to “obliterate” the Jews, not expel them. When talking about genocide, it’s important to specify the correct flavor.

        Regardless, they have multiple times rejected concessions and compromises that would have enabled them to have an independent democratic nation. If that’s truly what they wanted, why would they always pass on the opportunity to get it without bloodshed?

      91 year ago

      Just an addendum, the partition is based on the previous split of Transjordan Palestine after ww1, where there was a 80/20 split for the Arabs. With the Israeli getting most of Palestine.