• Cylusthevirus
    111 year ago

    every medical professional in the world will tell you to consume as little pornography as possible bro

    Weird how this never came up in the entirety of my Psych degree. It’s almost as if you’ve no idea what you’re on about.

    Spoiler alert: you’re not gonna find a DSM entry for “porn addiction” because there’s a lot of debate over whether or not it’s even truly an addiction by clinical standards. If it’s interfering with your life to the point that you want to stop, can’t, and it’s damaging your relationships and life goals, THEN you have an issue. The WHO just lumps that in with a lot of things under the heading of “Compulsive Sexual Behavior” but there’s literally nothing special about porn.

    A certain percentage of the population are going to develop problem behaviors with it do to a complex suite of physiological and cognitive factors, but that’s all.

    Here: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/porn-addiction-possible

    • mommykink
      1 year ago

      Fucking webmd lmao

      Edit: Here from an actual medical source

      We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P < .001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue–reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P < .001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.

      • Cylusthevirus
        1 year ago

        Here’s who reviewed the article. What specific issues do you have with it and her credentials? On what basis do you believe you are more qualified to make judgements on this topic than Dr. Casarella? What are YOUR credentials?

        Are you claiming to have conducted an appropriate literature review or did you just shop around for a single journal article that sorta kinda supports what you think?

        While we’re at it, perhaps you could explain how the study’s results support your beliefs?

        Results We found a significant negative association between reported pornography hours per week and gray matter volume in the right caudate (P &lt; .001, corrected for multiple comparisons) as well as with functional activity during a sexual cue–reactivity paradigm in the left putamen (P &lt; .001). Functional connectivity of the right caudate to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was negatively associated with hours of pornography consumption.

        How does the exact volume gray matter (a decrease, actually) relate? What was the size of the effect?