Jobs that either don’t contribute in any meaningful way or jobs where one would be better off if they were paid to be on call.

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    1011 months ago

    Worker owned cooperatives, worker managed teams, company decisions made democratically.

    All other kinds of companies are dictatorships.

      711 months ago

      and why should that be any better? just because it appears democratic does not mean it makes it automatically “better” <- name 1 cooperation which has shown success for every 1000 “dictatorships”

      democracies are plagued with slow reaction time which would take away your entire market edge. Also democries require transparency. If everyone knows the costing structure/ suppliers… you are done.

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        711 months ago

        “Why would having a say in making decisions about your employment be any better than just doing whatever the richest idiot says?”

        Do you even hear yourself? They’ve got you loving the taste of boot polish.

          611 months ago

          go freelance. you don’t have to. since your consider yourself smarter than your boss try starting a business.

          it’s a trade off between income fluctuation and stability.

          since you didn’t address any of my points but chose to just respond with random statements, I take it you were convinced but too ingrained with your original statement to admit. It’s fine happens to many of us.

          glad to have helped you thinking critically.

          111 months ago

          not really… even for publically traded companies the you cannot tell much about their suppliers and customers. Most of the customers of the Firm I work for have NDAs stating we cannot openly advertise.

          Only in services/tech sector where product differentiation is large you are a bit isolated form these concerns.

            111 months ago

            Oh please my competitors are often using the same suppliers and they have the same type of beancounters we have. Especially in my industry where we have a bunch of overlap. Just recently I had a corporate partner put together a quote for something we normally buy but wanted them to buy it. They came back with a price within a few percent of what we normally pay.

            There is a reason why the three letter agencies are so good at catching money laundering. They have data on what X type of business should be buying and selling at what markup.

            I bet you can do it. Just start looking at your numbers.

              111 months ago

              so you agree that numbers aren’t currently in the public domain. You just think they can be and it wouldn’t hurt.

              Also this isn’t the only problem I outlined. it’s one of them.

              also people are often disinterested and unqualified to even understand a balance sheet. let alone deciding on company direction.

              I just find it fascinating that many people are convinced that they can run a company while they aren’t even able to manage their own finances