The chamber has been without a leader for weeks because of GOP infighting.

    411 months ago

    If only this were a world where a few Republicans might defect to Jeffries just to stick it to the far right end of the party that started all this. That would cause some real drama. Wouldn’t be hard to stick the blame on the magats and spin it into a message of ending the madness and ineptitude we are watching unfold.

    But alas, this is not that world. Republicans would have to actually care about something other than owning the libs and dismantling the government for it to be that world.

    Although, still, bipartisan support of a candidate is the only reasonable way I see out of this that doesn’t just fall apart again when Gaetz can’t get his way. It’s too bad the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner where ceding any ground to the even the most conservative Democrats is a complete non-starter.