China said the United States is the “biggest disruptor of regional peace and stability” in the world in a scathing response Wednesday to a Pentagon report on China’s growing military buildup.

The annual report that is required by Congress is one way the Pentagon measures the military capabilities of China, which the U.S. government sees as its key threat in the Asia-Pacific region and America’s primary long-term security challenge.

The statement China’s Ministry of Defense issued in response called the Pentagon report’s findings false and used it in turn to hit back at the U.S.’ recent actions in helping Israel and Ukraine, as well as its buildup of military installations worldwide.

    19 months ago

    “internal disputes” like Alberta independence, Cascadia independence, or Texas independence?

    Internal disputes are a joke. Always have been.

    • @roo
      19 months ago

      Seems like a dredge effort, no?!

      Rohingya genocide, oppression of women in Iran, Russia invades Ukraine, North Korea rouge state activities, … I don’t want to dredge too far, but it’s not exactly a picture of a benevolent and well guided military support security group is it? When does China acknowledge past diplomacy as a cluster fuck of bad intentions in repeat cycles? The country is fairly developed, no? Why are excuses still valid?

        19 months ago


        if you’re going to keep shifting goalposts, there’s no real point in having a discussion

        • @roo
          19 months ago

          Ancient history does not count. People have got over it. People have come to better solutions since those moments. Be real!

            19 months ago

            Is this what it’s like to argue against ChatGPT?

            You do understand that China conquered the Paracel Islands by fighting off the occupying South Vietnamese forces in the Vietnam War, right?

            • @roo
              19 months ago

              You’re simply incapable of modern contexts right?

              The difficulties with Vietnam have continued till this very day, and remain unresolved. Spratlies, mountain border, and maritime claims

              Furthering my entire point! China simply cannot understand sovereignty and can’t even remain beyond dispute with its own allies and neighbours.

              The only reason it’s not a basket case region is the underlying Han ethnicity being monolith. If it wasn’t for the monoculture element the whole place would have fallen apart by now.

              Throwing shit on foreign countries is just dumb when they can’t even manage to get beyond such small time petty claims.

              Any sane superpower would have sorted out North Korea, but China backs rogue maniac states as a toyboy thing. Look at what happened in Cambodia.

              It’s not a country beyond reproach! I get that it enjoys the privilege of saving face because of intercultural tolerance and diplomacy, but this lack of reality is too much.

                • @roo
                  18 months ago

                  China has the strongest claim. Is it still contested? Maybe they need to try some diplomacy with concessions or even reparations. It’s a lot harder to get your neighbours to be real when you’re smoking crack, no?

                    8 months ago

                    Vietnam contests it because of fuckery with “who won the Vietnam War?”

                    China never got reparations for the millions killed in the Japanese occupation, so I’m fairly sure war reparations aren’t really appealing LOL