Won’t lie. This week has been a challenge. Work has, well been horrific. And then I come home and on top of all the other things that a working parent has to put up with, my eldest has seemingly decided to make it her personal mission to make my life a living hell.

How are you guys doing?

  • @roo
    411 months ago

    It’s still creativity, role playing, and narrative. Lean in and it becomes engagement, collaboration, and curiosity. Challenge him to go so far with different angles that he’s far too smart to stay in Kansas with the whole acres of depressing perspectives you fear. It’s easy to have push beliefs that require something more than an authoritarian approach. Team building alone introduces social censure on authoritarian approaches. And things change very quickly for kids when their lifestyles demand change.

    Most people I know that went hard on authoritarian careers really lacked imagination and enjoyment. But really they were one pushy girlfriend away from making alternative choices.

    You’re doing great to be just rolling your eyes and going with it. You’ve said your piece and you’re hanging in 🏆 Being a role model by not being a dictator is definitely the way to go.

    • hallettj
      211 months ago

      Aw, thanks for the reassurance! I’m sure you’re right - he’s a good kid; he’ll turn out just fine.