• @tehbilly@le.ptr.is
    18 months ago

    Automated bills is a weird one for me. I absolutely know they’d be useful to keep me from forgetting important things, but I manage to talk myself out of it as I’d “lose awareness” of where my money goes.

    … I need to stop making excuses, huh?

    • @reptar@lemmy.world
      38 months ago

      I went from routinely missing to never. You absolutely should set that up.

      I can relate on the losing awareness aspect. So, I also put them all on my calendar in red (recurring, of course) then switch to green with the title appended w/ “DONE” when I’ve paid it, or verified auto pay is scheduled.

      • @tehbilly@le.ptr.is
        38 months ago

        Ooh, I like that! I can still maintain awareness but there’s no real penalties if I forget to for a day or few. Thanks, I think I’ll be setting that up today!

    • Unaware7013
      18 months ago

      Your bank should allow you to setup autopay alerts, I get them pretty regularly for mine (email stating ‘your auto pay to COMPANY is pending for $xxxx on yy/zz’) but I also don’t read them. And I have a budget setup so I know where that money is going to go this week anyway. And I check my accounts weekly to pay off my credit card so I see it there as well. Mainly because I have a reminder to do so.