Footage reportedly from the scene shared on local Telegram channels showed rioters chanting “Allahu Akbar” and stopping cars in order to check the documents of passengers to ensure they were not Israeli or Jewish. The Russian state-owned RIA Novosti outlet reported that police officers and the National Guard were present at the scene while the riots took place and that the airport had been closed due to the entry of rioters to the airport.

In Khasavyurt, also located in Dagestan, rioters gathered at a hotel where Israelis who had fled the fighting were reported to be staying, with some of the rioters entering the hotel and only leaving after ensuring that no Israelis were in the hotel.

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    411 months ago

    Any source of your claim? Because I bonly hear about one party dropping 400+ bombs on one territory and killings hundreds of civilians each day and another party that is causing mostly superficial damage on civilian infrastructure. And don’t get me wrong I find both parties in this conflict in the wrong but your claim of heavy bombardment over Israel is absolutely disconnected from reality.

    And guess who cannot escape from Gaza!

        11 months ago

        Israel has stated its aim is to cause as much damage as possible.

        4000 children killed by Israel. I guess someone will be around to blame this on Hamas using human shields.

        211 months ago

        Perhaps you should also check the number of civilian casualties on both sides, or let’s ignore men’s casualties, just look at children’s casualties. And then we can talk. You sent me an article about a girl having a cardiac arrest during bombardment, yes, that’s bad, but what’s happening in Gaza is absolutely terrifying and unfathomable:

        You seem to value human life depending on the race and ethnicity, for me those are just the same.